Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Intesive Care

[I had a problem with the lighting]

A short serie

Misu: "Hey i am Misu and i will be the one taking care of you for day."
Scotlyn: "Hey"
Misu: "How do you feel?"
Scotlyn: "I feel worse."
Misu: "This is bad.. we don't have any other medicine to use."
Scotlyn: "Will i die?"
Misu: "There is another way that is placing you inside a vagina on a Elf, their fluids have healing capability."
Scotlyn: "I will do it!"

Misu: "But all of the Elfs are either sick, home for the winter or their vagina is already full of patients."
Scotlyn: "But aren't you an Elf?"
Misu: "Yes i am, i am just here to help the hospital, i haven't done any training."
Misu: "I'm to young for this, i don't know how to do it, i will most likely do a mistake if i try it."

Misu: "But i don't want to leave you either.."
Scotlyn: "I haven't seen it either, so lets try and help each other."
Misu: "Okey i will do my best and promise me that you will tell me if it hurts or anything."
Scotlyn: "Okey."

 Misu: "Lets try."

Misu: "Hmm i think i need to sit on the bed."

Misu: "Which part do you think i should take in first? head or legs?
Scotlyn:  "Legs maybe?"

Misu: "Okey here it goes."
Misu: "Ahhh your feets are freezing cold."
Scotlyn: "Oh sorry"

Misu: "Ahh it feels so weird, i wonder if this is normal..."
Misu: "Are you okey?"
Scotlyn:  "Yeah, it's so warm inside."

Misu: "Aahh what this weird feeling, it's getting stronger."
Scotlyn: "You are doing great."

Misu: "AAhh!! what is wrong with me."

Misu: "AAhhh!! I can't push you any further."
Misu: "It's to strong."

Misu: "Ahh! I'm so sorry, i moved around without thinking."

Misu: "I am so sorry!! Are you okey?"
Scotlyn: "I'm fine, but i got kinda dizzy after spinning around so fast."

Misu: "Ahh! The weird feeling won't stop."
Misu: "How do the other Elf's do this?"
Misu: "They must have trained a lot to resist it."

Misu: "I'm trying to get used to the feeling.. but it's hard."

Misu: "Hmm you should be still be fine if it is only your head sticking out."
Scotlyn: "How long will i stay in here?"
Misu: "For a couple of weeks or longer, the healing process is slow but it works."
Misu: "So i hope you won't mind staying inside my vagina even tho i am so young and haven't done it before."

Scotlyn: "I don't mind."
Misu: "Thank you Scotlyn!"
Misu: "I'll try my best as a Nurse and i will also make sure that you are having fun."
Misu: "Cause hiding you inside my panties for weeks wouldn't be fun."
Misu: "Is it okey if i continue my work now or do you need anything before i put my clothing on?"
Scotlyn: "Nope, im just starting to feel hungry soon."
Misu: "Okey, i'll make some food for you when i get home."

Misu: "Lets see if i can walk without hurting you."

Misu: "It wasen't so hard, i just need to spread my legs.
Misu: "See you in a few hours."

Misu: "Hmm i think i forgot something, oh yeah i heard someone talk about what not to do when having a patient..
Misu: "What was it.. not having sex, don't wear air tight panties cause she can get sweaty and hot.
Misu: "Avoid hot places and give her a lot of cold air during the summer and give her a bath 2 times a week"
Misu: "Hm i don't remember anything else...and most elfs has already went home..."

1 comment:

  1. I like being the first to comment and view your awesome works. Great story idea. Glad you don't let people stop you from making what you want to.
