Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Ice Cold Night

Jayna: "See what you have done Coco?!"
Jayna: "Now we missed the last bus that goes to our home."
Jayna: "It's Sunday midnight and there is nowhere to warm outself cause of you!"
Coco: "I'm sorry."

Jayna. "It's so damn cold! It is still many hours left before the next bus arrives."
Coco: "I'm soo sorry Jayna."
Coco: "I don't have anything to warm you either."

Jayna: "Arrhhh! It's so freaking cold! Don't you have any pockets on you?"
Coco: "No i don't have any."
Jayna: "I'm shacking so badly. I will freeze to death."
Jayna: "Can i sit inside your pants? It's warm in there right?"
Coco: ".. Sure.. but don't go inside my panties and don't do anything funny."

Jayna: "I won't"

Coco: "You will need to take off of your clothing first, i don't want anything scrathing on me.
Jayna: "Fine.."

Jayna: "S-soo...c-cold.."

Jayna: "Okey im done, now hurry up im f-freezing like h-hell here!."

Coco: "Wait, i think i heard someone."

 Jayna: "I don't care! Just hurry up!"
Coco: "O-okey"

Jayna: "Ahh i slipped."

Coco: "Ahh! What are you doing!?"
Jayna: "Sorry i lost grip."
Coco: "Ahh stop touching on my clitoris.!"
Jayna: "It's so warm under here. I can feel hot air coming down from your genital."
Coco: "I said stop it!"

Coco: "That wasen't nice of you."
Jayna: "Let me go inside your vagina."
Coco: "What?!"
Jayna: "It is your fault that we are stuck in this ice cold night."
Coco: "Yes but.. "
Jayna: "It's either inside your vagina or inside your mouth?"
Coco: "No not the mouth! I could accidently swallow you and that would be bad..."
Jayna: "Then there is only one hole left."
Coco: "Y-yes.."
Coco: "You sure of this? I could try to blow hot air on you instead."
Jayna: "No!"
Jayna: "Stop joking around. I'm freezing to death here!"
Jayna: "Now hurry up and put me inside your vagina."
Coco. "..Okey.."

Coco: "I'm scared.. can't we do something else?"
Jayna: "No."

Coco: "I should warn you that i haven't used it before..."
Jayna: "I don't care, it's not like we are having sex."

Coco: "Okey.. here it goes, are you ready?"
Jayna: "Yes just hurry up."

Coco: "It his low enought?"
Jayna: "I can't reach it."

Jayna: "A little bit more."

Coco: "Try to stand on this rock."
Jayna: "Yes a lot better now."

 Jayna: "It's so tight in here."

 Jayna: "I can't get any further inside, it's to tight."

Coco: "Let me try to wet you, maybe it will help."