Monday, July 14, 2014

The Babysitter 02

Rin: "Can you come over and be my babysitter next time also?"
Eric: "Sure call me anytime."

*Dorr bell is ringing*
Rin: "My sister is home, hurry and hide me in the water."

Eric: "Like this?"
Rin: "Yeah."

Sarah: "Rin are you here?"
Sarah: "Oh! Who you are handsome naked guy?"

Sarah: "What your name handsome?"
Eric: "My name is Eric and can i take a bath alone?"

Sarah: "Awww come on, don't be like that."
Sarah: "Let me join also."
Eric: "No please!"
Eric [Thinking]: I need to hide Rin some how.

Eric [Thinking]: Like this maybe.

Sarah: "So what do you think about my lovely body?"
Eric: "A-Ahh..B-best looking body i've ever seen.
Rin [Thinking] Ahh his dick is getting harder, so he likes her body more then mine."

Eric: "Y-You don't need to sit some close r-right?"
Sarah: "Aww are you a shy guy? You dont want me to see your dick?"
Sarah: "I won't tell anyone."
Eric: "N-no.. it's just that..umm..."


  1. I like where this is going.

  2. This is gonna go far kid!

  3. Unaware UB maybe??? ;3

  4. Can't wait to see the end :)

  5. Love this piece, looking forward to the rest of the story.
