Saturday, March 16, 2013

Lin's New Friend - Chapter 36

My harddriver crashed and no data can be recovered from it.
All files inside the Poser Runtime is lost.

I managed to render some scenes before it crashed.

 Maya: "You can sit on the bed while i undress."

Maya: "Ahhh i can finaly sit down."
Ýui: "What is it?"
Maya: "She is so heavy to carry around"
Maya: "I'm completly exhausted after walking home with her inside me."
Yui: "You want to skip it or?"
Maya: "No we can do it, as long as we sit on the bed."
Yui: "Okey."

Maya: "I just need to rest for a moment."
Yui: "Wow i can feel her."
Maya: "Realy?"
Yui: "I can feel her legs up here and her head is here."
Yui: "I dont feel her moving."
Maya: "She must still being afraid of being seen inside me."

Yui: "I wonder if i can hear her saying something."

Maya: "Do you hear anyting?
Yui: "Nope."

Maya: "I'm feeling fine now."
Maya: "I need to warm up your pussy first before i can insert her."
Yui: "Okey."

Maya: "That should be enough, can you grab her inside my pussy?"
Yui: "She is already inside you?"
Maya: "Yes."
Yui: "How many girls are there inside you?"
Maya: "Two."

 Maya: "The small one should be deep inside me."
Yui: "Okey."

Maya:  "Can you grab her without waking up Lisa?"
Yui: "Is she the big girl from the shower?"
Maya:  "Yeah."
Yui: "I'll try."

Yui: "Wow it's so deep!"
Yui: "And i still can't feel her."
Maya: "AAhhhh!!! Keep pushing!"
Yui: "But i can't reach any further with my arm."
Yui: "I need to push myself inside to find her, is it okey for you?"
Maya: "Ahh!! yes, but be careful, i don't think i can take it."
YuI: "I'll be gently."

Maya:  "OH god it feels good!!"
Yui: "I found something tiny, i think i found her."
Yui: "I'm coming out."

Yui: "Damnit im stuck!"
Maya. "Ahhhhh!! Stop twisting your head!!"
Yui: "I'm sorry!"
Yui: "Can you pull me out?"
Maya. "I can't reach you, i can't move or bend my stomach when you are inside me."
Yui: "Call for help!".


  1. OOOOOOO that blows so much man!!!!! I'm guessing you didn't back it up... don't blame you for that sinceno one really does. Sorry that this happened to you. Thank you for the images that yyou managed to save.

  2. How many images have been lost?

    1. None.. but i won't redownload 160gb of poser file if i can't recover.
      many of those i can't download anymore.

  3. Don't feel disheartened about the other images, these are fantastic nonetheless. A recommendation for the future however, try splitting up the parts of the story more. So perhaps instead of having about 20 pictures in each one, go for 5 or 10. That way, not only will the pictures already be up, but that was you don't get fans bugging you for updates xP

  4. Also, from the same person as the previous post, she can take it o:

  5. totally should make the smaller chick go inside her, make her massive ;)

  6. Looks cool and i agree with the guy that posted before me Maya should pull Yui in.

